One year into the DIFILIM – A foundation for future

As we reach the halfway point of the DIFILIM project, it’s a moment to reflect on the progress we’ve made and the exciting path that lies ahead. A year into this journey, our project partners are not only pleased with the work accomplished but are also energized for the second half of our mission.

The focus of our first year was intensive research. This foundational work is critical, as it will inform all our future initiatives, ensuring that the project’s outcomes are deeply rooted in evidence and real-world applicability. Our research has been particularly centred on understanding the intricacies of digital and financial literacy needs among micro, small, and medium enterprises.

The forthcoming year promises to not only showcase the results of our research but also to translate these findings into practical, impactful resources and tools, which will be accessible to everyone for free.

We look forward to sharing these developments with you next year. Stay tuned for more updates and insights as we continue this remarkable journey together.

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